Favicon generator
Convert your png to ico

Drag your image. Download your icons.

Drag your image here to generate your icons

Favicon generator - Tutorial on how to convert your png to ico

If you are a designer, a developer, a SEO expert or maybe just someone that wants to create a website, you have to know that a favicon is incredibly really important for a website.

The favicon is the icon that appears in a browser to the left of your website name.

This image has the ico extension and usually has name: favicon.ico.


To add the favicon to your webpage there is an HTML tag that you can use. Usually the favicon is inside the root of your website so to add it you can add this line of code inside your header section:

<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" />


Now that you know why and how you should add the favicon to your website, let's see how you can create one totally free.


Favicon Generator


To create your ico file starting from a png or jpg, you can simply drag your icon over the grey box with the text: “Drag and drop your icon here”. You will see a preview of your image.


Now you can choose what sizes you need. The avaliable sizes are:

  • 16x16
  • 24x24
  • 32x32
  • 48x48
  • 64x64


Now if you enable the option "Save in a single ico file" you can generate a single icon file that will include the sizes you have included. This is because the ico format allow to store several images in a single file, then the device will choose automatically the best resolution to show.

If you don't enable this option but select more than a size, the favicon generator will create a zip file containing an icon file for every size you have selected.


There is a textbox called FileName, here you can select the name of your icon. When you drag and drop your png to the website, this field will contain the name of your image, if you want you can change it (maybe to favicon).

Now press the “Download” button to download your icons.


I hope you enjoy this free tool and if you like I'd appreciate if you could buy me a coffee :)